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J. Matthews’s Newly Released The Grumpy Gammy

J. Matthews’s Newly Released The Grumpy Gammy

New York, NY, February 22, 2024 — “The Grumpy Gammy”: a helpful teaching narrative with heart. “The Grumpy Gammy” is the creation of published author, J. Matthews, a dedicated wife and resident of Georgia.

Matthews shares, “Should going to Grandma’s be that hard? Is she scary? Does she hide behind the couch and jump out with a growl that makes a kid shake in their boots? Is she mean? Does she march you into the hall and make you recite your name, age, and date of birth before you can have a cookie? What would make a kid choose anything but going to Grandma’s? Join Wyatt and Maddie as they lay it on the line in this funny but full-of-life-lesson, character-building case of the heart.”


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