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Author Susan M. Gerhart’s New Book Tragedy to Triumph

Author Susan M. Gerhart’s New Book Tragedy to Triumph

San Antonio, TX, March 06, 2024 –Susan M. Gerhart, a retired mother and grandmother, has completed her new book, “Tragedy to Triumph: The True Story of Four Generations of Women Whose Lives of Tragedy Were Turned into Triumph by the Power of God’s Love”: a riveting and inspirational memoir that will touch the hearts of all those who venture into the lives of these four generations of women.

Despite the generations of tragedies, author Susan M. Gerhart’s life has completely changed, and she no longer lives under the cloud of despair. Her own hope and happiness were reborn through the faith and prayers of those around her. All the tragic events of her life and the generations before her have given her a greater strength and endurance for a future of happiness and peace no matter what comes her way. She came through all the diversity a stronger, more compassionate person, willing to embrace those who suffer—an example that gives others hope for their future. She believes God desires to walk with all of his children, through all their trials and tribulations, to bring healing and inner peace and an end to the cycle of despair.

Gerhart shares, “Despite the disappointments in my life, there have been many blessings. I truly believe the chains of bondage experienced by four generations of women have been broken. My children and all future generations are free to live the life God created them to live. Free to seek him with all their hearts and be guided by his spirit.

“God offers that to all of us. We just need to invite him into our hearts and keep his commandments. Then he will show us the path to true freedom and happiness.

“So my question for all of you is this: what will your legacy be? What will your family’s legacy be? One of pain and shame or one of peace, happiness, and love? I hope you choose the latter. I hope you chose Christ.”


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