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Author Pastor Tori Clay’s New Book Zoey and Mr. Putts

Author Pastor Tori Clay’s New Book Zoey and Mr. Putts

Madison, WI, February 22, 2024 — Pastor Tori Clay, of Detour Corporations Store House Ministries International, has completed her new book, “Zoey and Mr. Putts”: an uplifting children’s story that follows Zoey, a boy with autism who discovers a toy he can play with.

One day, Zoey discovers he can make a toy that he loves that can also help take care of some of his special needs as well. In the end, Zoey gains a friend as well as a toy.

Pastor Tori Clay grew up in Chicago, Illinois, and later moved to Wisconsin, where she and her son, Zoey, currently live. Writing has always been a passion of hers. From her own experiences as a parent of a special needs child, she hopes this book brings a level of understanding to every parent with a child who is like Zoey or anyone who has ever been around a child with special needs.

Clay writes, “There once was a boy named Zoey who was different from the rest. You see, Zoey had autism. Zoey could walk, run, and even ride a bike, but the one thing he could not do was talk.”

She continues, “One day, Zoey wanted to play with a toy; so he tried the different toys he had, like balls, ropes, games, and squishy toys. But none of them seemed to work.”


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