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Author Marcia Hutchison’s Book You Only Know What You Know

Author Marcia Hutchison’s Book You Only Know What You Know

Dallas, TX, March 18, 2024 –Marcia Hutchison, a mother of six and grandmother of thirty who has learned the importance of faith, family, and the unique joys and trials of life, has completed her new book, “You Only Know What You Know”: a fascinating look at the lies being fed to the American people in order to sow division and weaken the nation’s democracy.

Raised by Christian parents in French Settlement, Louisiana, a Cajun French community along a South Louisiana Bayou, author Marcia Hutchinson embraced a love for the Lord early in life. She has enjoyed extensive world travels and participated in several mission trips after joining her local church at age seventy-four, making sure to capture her memories of each trip on canvas through her impressive oil painting skills. In addition to being an artist, Hutchinson is also a master bridge player, saying the competition keeps the old brain alive.

“Changing the course of history is paramount to reaching the decisive final goal. Who knows? This book could be among the last historical accounts,” shares Hutchinson. “Since history does indeed repeat itself, history must necessarily be destroyed. Keep the populace as ignorant and misinformed as possible–if necessary, by force. The formula has never changed throughout the annals of history, multimillions losing their lives as a result.

“Slavery has existed since the beginning of recorded history dating back to Ur over four thousand years ago. The city of Ur in Mesopotamia was unearthed in the early 1900s. This was the city God called Abraham to leave and to go to Harran. The detestable practice of slavery existed in Ur and still exists today. Human trafficking, drug addiction–all alive and well. As slaves to an evil cause, the BLM gang will not see past their nose. Ignorance is foolish and dangerous. Socialism, the final divisive step to communism, has been forced down the throats of our children and uninformed adults for years. This story addresses CRT, woke, atrocities of the Biden Administration, and the catastrophe on our southern border.”


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