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IMDS Summit Shines a Spotlight on the Latest Developments in Materials Compliance

Weilrod, Germany, March 01, 2024 — On Thursday, April 18, 2024, imds professional will be hosting a virtual IMDS Summit. The service provider for materials compliance is giving professionals from across the automotive industry in particular the opportunity to find out about important legal and technical developments. The agenda and registration details are available at

Information about IMDS Release 15.0 will be presented by Jonas Tilly from DXC Technology, the company that was instrumental in establishing the International Material Data System (IMDS) back in 1999. The release is scheduled to take place in the third quarter of 2024 and will, among other things, address evolving sustainability issues. The IMDS was initially set up to meet the requirements of the EU End-of-Life Vehicles Directive (ELV). Now it enables manufacturers and suppliers to comply with a wide range of other regulations and reporting obligations. IMDS experts such as Tim Thome (imds professional) and Georg Abts (formerly Covestro) will offer valuable insights and solutions to address current challenges encountered when working with the IMDS.

Numerous pieces of EU legislation are currently being revised. Thomas Holzapfel (imds professional) and Dr. Michael Riess (VDE Testing and Certification Institute) will provide information on the status of the ELV and RoHS revision as well as substance requirements within the framework of REACH and (planned) PFAS regulations. Berthold Liebig (ebm-papst Mulfingen) will then report on further developments in digitalization and sustainability in electrical appliance manufacturing. In addition, Samara Madjid (BMW Group) will deliver insights into the goals and initiatives of Catena-X and the planned integration of the IMDS into this network, which aims to foster greater cohesion within the automotive industry and optimize information flow across the entire supply chain.

“We are delighted that so many esteemed experts are contributing their knowledge to shape and enrich the IMDS Summit,” explains Ann-Carin Hahn-Köding from imds professional, who is organizing the event. “Participants can expect to gain a wealth of insights and practical knowledge to support their day-to-day work.” Participation in the summit is free of charge.


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