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Mammoth Gathering on the 2nd Day of Nirankari Sant Samagam Southern States Devotion Begins by Oneness With the Divine

Bengaluru 05, 2024: Nirankari Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj while addressing the congregation on the 2nd day of the Samagam stated that devotion and love for God begins by oneness with the Divine hence, a state of bliss is achieved. When we are in love with God then, His will is also accepted with gratitude.

Further Satguru Mata Ji stated that, by whatever name we may address God but, real devotion begins only by seeing the Divine through Brahmgyan – God Knowledge. The relationship of devotees with God is not due to greed but, due to absolute love. Happiness always increases by sharing with others and devotees find true peace by sharing happiness.

Satguru Mata Ji also said that our soul is a part of the Supreme Soul and eventually gets merged in it, indicating our real identity and origin thus, leading to salvation.

Sewadal Rally

A Sewadal Rally highlighted the second day of the Samagam which commenced with vibrant performances of Sewadal volunteers. As soon as Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj and Nirankari Rajpita Ramit Ji arrived at the venue; Mata Ji hoisted the Mission’s flag of peace in the presence of the Sewadal Adhikari, Executive Members, and volunteers of the Mission.

In this rally, the Sewadal volunteers showcased their talents by presenting skits based on the ideology of the Mission through which the importance of service in devotion was highlighted. Apart from this, many programs of physical feats, sports, and short plays in local languages were also presented by them.

While addressing the Sewadal Rally, Satguru Mata Ji said that the volunteers of Sewadal along with fulfilling their family responsibilities continue to prioritise the service to mankind with utmost dedication. Her Holiness guided the Sewadal volunteers further, stating that it is our responsibility to serve consciously. Service is done with a pure mind and renouncing the ego is called selfless service. Service is done by surrender and dedication of the mind.

Nirankari Exhibition

A grand ‘Nirankari Exhibition’ organized at the Samagam venue remains the center of attraction. It is noteworthy that hundreds of people from Bengaluru and nearby areas have visited the exhibition. This exhibition renders solutions to problems typical of the modern technological era based on spirituality and Mission’s ideology. Those visiting appreciated the exhibition as there was a lot to learn.


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