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Lucknow Kaushal Mahotsav Rozgar Mela Successfully Concludes with ASDC Facilitating 1300 Job Placements

The Lucknow Kaushal Mahotsav Rozgar Mela, held at Lucknow University on March 9th and 10th, 2024, has drawn to a successful close, leaving a significant impact on the employment landscape of Uttar Pradesh. Organized with the aim of addressing unemployment challenges and fostering economic growth, the event witnessed enthusiastic participation from job seekers across various demographics.

kaushal mahotshav

Among the key contributors to the success of the Rozgar Mela was the Automotive Skills Development Council (ASDC), a leading organization dedicated to skill development in the automotive sector. ASDC’s active involvement in the event resulted in the facilitation of 1300 job placements, significantly contributing to the region’s employment drive.

“ASDC’s participation in the Lucknow Kaushal Mahotsav Rozgar Mela underscores our commitment to empowering individuals through skill development and employment opportunities,” stated Mr. Vinkesh Gulati, Vice President of ASDC. “We are delighted to have facilitated 1300 job placements, offering pathways to success for numerous individuals and contributing to the growth of the automotive industry in Uttar Pradesh.”

The Rozgar Mela featured a diverse range of job opportunities, with ASDC focusing on positions within the automotive sector. Through interactive sessions, skill demonstrations, and career counseling, ASDC aimed to guide job seekers towards lucrative career paths aligned with the evolving demands of the industry.

The Lucknow Kaushal Mahotsav, held over two days, emerged as a beacon of hope for job seekers in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, offering a multitude of employment opportunities across diverse sectors. Participating employers, including VISION INDIA, DISTIL, PRERNA GROUP, GOAL INDIA, YSF, 2COMS, and JBM, collectively shortlisted 1339 candidates, comprising 964 on the first day and 375 on the second. These candidates, encompassing both males and females, were presented with apprenticeship roles ranging from machine operation to mechanical engineering. The event’s success not only addressed immediate unemployment challenges but also laid the foundation for sustained economic growth by bridging the gap between skilled workforce demand and supply in the region, ultimately contributing to the socio-economic development of Lucknow and beyond.

“We believe in the transformative power of skill development and employment initiatives,” added Mr. Gulati. “Participating in events like the Lucknow Kaushal Mahotsav allows us to showcase the myriad opportunities available in the automotive sector and inspire the youth to pursue rewarding careers.”


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