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Susan J. Musgrave’s Newly Released While You Wait

Susan J. Musgrave’s Newly Released While You Wait

Belmont, Trinidad and Tobago, March 20, 2024 — “While You Wait: Pertinent Truths and Lessons Learned during Seasons of Waiting”: a heartfelt message of encouragement on how to navigate times of trusting in God’s timing. “While You Wait: Pertinent Truths and Lessons Learned during Seasons of Waiting” is the creation of published author, Susan J. Musgrave.

Musgrave shares, “’Waiting is inevitable.’ I am sure you have already heard the words ‘change is inevitable.’ I would like to propose that there is another word that can be included in the inevitable list, and this word is waiting.

“We are in an era where most people use a microwave, enjoy eating fast food, and like everything to happen right now. Most of us do not like waiting. In this book, While You Wait, we are going to learn the following:
• Waiting on God is inevitable.
• God hasn’t changed amidst the changes in this fast-paced world.
• The process of growing in intimacy with God
• The benefits of waiting
• Why God allows seasons of waiting
• What we should do while waiting

“Wherever you are in your season of waiting, whether it’s for healing, an increase in finances, a promotion, a spouse, or maybe for the next level in your relationship with God, let me encourage you to wait with the right attitude because God has your seasons and times in His hands.

“Susan Musgrave Nee Isidore has been fully committed to the Lord for over twenty-four years. She began full-time missionary work and service in 2010, and during this time, she visited a number of countries in North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Asia, West and South Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America. Susan is an excellent communicator of the Word of God and imparts concise knowledge through her gift of teaching. She is currently living in Trinidad and Tobago with her husband, Patrick Musgrave.”


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