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New Principled Technologies Report Explores How Equipping School-Issued ChromeOS Devices with More Powerful Intel Processors Could Improve the Classroom Experience

New Principled Technologies Report Explores How Equipping School-Issued ChromeOS Devices with More Powerful Intel Processors Could Improve the Classroom Experience

Durham, NC, March 06, 2024 –In a recent study, Principled Technologies (PT) set up a realistic school Chrome environment with four managed, enrolled ChromeOS devices with different Intel processors. Then, they created two student-learning scenarios that stressed the Intel processors in the ChromeOS devices. The traditional session-restore scenario represented the repopulation of over a dozen open tabs and apps after a shutdown. This is a processor-intensive task any student (or adult) with active tabs might require on a day-to-day basis.

Then, as a placeholder for future artificial intelligence (AI) applications, they started a Google Meet call, where they turned on the microphone and camera and added AI-powered background blur effects. PT found that each step up the Intel processor upgrade ladder resulted in quicker open app and tab recoveries after shutdown in two session-restore scenarios, with time savings of up to a minute and 32 seconds in the traditional session-restore scenario and a minute and 38 seconds in the session restore scenario featuring AI.

The report uses fictional storylines to illustrate how these test results might translate into advantages in real classrooms. For example: “District A embraces an adaptive curriculum approach to learning. Mrs. Lopez, the language arts teacher for eighth graders, uses AI algorithms to determine where students are floundering and where their understanding is solid. Her students are coping with puberty, peer pressure, and attention spans of 10 to 12 minutes.(1) Of the four ChromeOS devices we tested, the Chromebook powered by an Intel Core i3-N305 processor delivered the fastest session-restore times under our heavy workloads. If they start class by opening their laptops, this kind of Intel processor firepower could really help Mrs. Lopez and other eighth-grade teachers make the most of those 10 to 12 minutes.”


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