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James Russell Roundtree’s Newly Released Love Misinterpreted

<img class=”aligncenter wp-image-2865 size-full” src=”” alt=”James Russell Roundtree’s Newly Released Love Misinterpreted” width=”429″ height=”524″ />
<p style=”text-align: justify;”><strong>Bridgeport, CT, February 14, 2024</strong> — “Love Misinterpreted”: a potent exploration of the complexities of the ties that bind. “Love Misinterpreted” is the creation of published author, James Russell Roundtree, a dedicated husband and father.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>Roundtree shares, “My book is about disappointment, love, pain, betrayal, and success. My dream was to finish high school in 1974 and go straight to college. I had a minor setback. My high school sweetheart was pregnant. I had a decision to make, either go to college or find a job. This was the most important decision I had to make in my life. But I chose to take care of my unborn child. I had to put college on hold. So at the age of eighteen, I married her. Eight years later, we were divorced. I was faced with another important decision: to raise my daughters without their mother. She gave me sole custody through the court. Now I had to take the role of both parents. I found love again in my third wife. There were struggles in raising six children. I had three failed businesses, which was heartbreaking, but I never gave up on business. I went back to college and graduated with an associate degree and a bachelor’s degree in business and became successful. I overcame my failures from my first wife and worked on a successful marriage with my current wife. I refused to give up on life. God always walks beside me. The church is my greatest blessing. I also talk about incest, family members molesting my daughters. There were no male role models in my family.”</p>


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