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Author Kenard Tuzeneu’s New Audiobook, The Cloud People

Barnegat, NJ, March 12, 2024 –Kenard Tuzeneu, a Catholic priest for forty-two years, currently serving as pastor of a large parish in Southern New Jersey, has completed his new audiobook, “The Cloud People”: a fascinating adventure that follows a young boy who, after witnessing a miraculous vision in the clouds while flying to visit his grandparents, sets off to discover what it truly is he saw with the help of his best friend.

Originally from a small town in New Jersey, author Kenard Tuzeneu took many vacations and camping trips with his family, and it was during those trips where his imagination grew, and he developed a passion for storytelling. Once he became a pastor, writing was an important part of Kenard’s ministry and communication with the flock. The purpose of his writings was always to share faith and to encourage people in their lives. It was during a trip to visit his brother in Tennessee that the idea for his book was born as he looked out the window at the clouds.

“‘The Cloud People’ is a story about Billy, a typical middle-grade boy who is excited to be spending his first summer vacation with his grandparents in Indiana,” shares Kenard. “He is super excited because this time he is going alone.

“After getting on the plane, he quickly falls asleep and wakes up just before landing. It was then that he happens to look out the window and sees something that will change in life. There in the clouds, he sees a face; not a face on the clouds, but a face made out of clouds, a cloud person. The eyes open, look at Billy in surprise and quickly the face disappears.

“From that moment, he becomes obsessed with finding out if what he saw was real and what it was.

“That will become the quest of his vacation. He shares his secret with his best friend, Megan, and together they discover a world they never could have dreamed existed. Along the way, Billy will discover that he is not the only one who has seen these cloud people. As the mystery unfolds, he will learn a lot about life–family, friendship, and loyalty. The summer is filled with surprises, and a big one at the end that will keep you guessing.”


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