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Author Crystal L. Goss’s New Book Lovin Me Always

Author Crystal L. Goss’s New Book Lovin Me Always

Montgomery, IL, March 12, 2024 –Crystal L. Goss, who was born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, has completed her new book, “Lovin Me Always”: a collection of joyful poems that encourage readers to love themselves and others.

Author Crystal L. Goss is a self-taught writer and poet who loves and enjoys her children and grandchildren. She enjoys working in the home healthcare field, coming from working in the public library, where she found her love of reading and writing. She wants the reader to feel like they are part of the poem and can relate to the thoughts of the words.

Goss writes, “Have you ever had thoughts of how you feel, how others may feel, and what and how to say them? Have you ever been in a room full of people yet felt so alone, confused, and complicated? Contemporary poetry can put your mind in a place where you can visualize and imagine being in the words and being one with what they’re saying. ‘Lovin Me Always’ will give you the feeling of love, life, and just living. It’s about everyone and no one in particular, what you could feel and think, or just some words delicately put together, being in touch with how you feel yet remaining quiet, words that could be about what others are afraid to say or how they feel. Either way, it will make you think about loving others but, better yet, loving yourself even more always!”


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