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How Entrepreneurs are Scaling Their Business with the “Less is More” Strategy


By-Sakshi Kalani, Founder & CEO of Savy Click and Jaipur Unfolded

While the constant debate around whether Less is More or vice versa is true, when it comes to an entrepreneur scaling their business the strategy of Less is More should be their go-to move. As an entrepreneur, I have focused on leveraging technology, automation and smart decision-making to achieve significant growth with minimal resources and venture into two businesses in the last year.

Be it streamlining operations or outsourcing tasks, this list below could be the checklist for any entrepreneurs who are looking to scale their businesses faster and more efficiently than ever before.

1. Automation
Automation is at the heart of the “Less is More” strategy. Not only Entrepreneurs, but freelancers are also moving towards software like Zoho or Odoo to automate tasks leading to saving time and ensuring consistency and accuracy in operations, allowing businesses to scale without additional labour.

2. Data-Driven Decision Making
While numbers can be tricky sometimes, using Google Analytics or a similar platform can provide real-time insights into customer behaviour, market trends and product performance. Entrepreneurs can now allocate resources more effectively, overall avoiding unnecessary spending.

3. Outsourcing
Rather than expanding full-time teams, training each team member individually and making them fit into the business environment, focus on outsourcing some key roles bringing in individuals with specific talents thus maintaining agility while scaling, minimizing overhead and maximizing output.

4. Simplifying Business Models
Breaking down complex procedures and choosing a simplified approach is at the core of our strategy. Subscription services, digital products, and platforms like Shopify and Topmate allow businesses to create recurring revenue streams and steady cash flow with minimal investment and intervention. By reducing complexity, entrepreneurs can scale faster while maintaining control over operations, making growth both sustainable and predictable.

The “Less is More” strategy is redefining entrepreneurship and making founders inclined towards independent functionality. The future of majority businesses lies in doing more with less and those who embrace this philosophy are all set to thrive.


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